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وظائف شاغرة لكلا الجنسين في تخصصات الكمبيوتر - الهندسة - مرحب بحديثي التخرج

23-03-2019 01:38 PM

Ammon-Sales Account Manager Description You will be in charge of managing company's relationships with its customers, building long-term relationships with a group of customers and generally stay with customers for the length of their relationship with the company. The goal is to keep clients or accounts if possible and developing new business. Your tasks may involve project management, strategic planning, product design, service application, logistics, and marketing. Responsibilities
• Initiate the sales process by building and maintaining strong, long-lasting relationships; qualifying potential; schedule appointments
• Develop sales lead by making initial presentation; explain product and service enhancements and additions; introduce new products and services
• Contribute information to sales strategies by evaluating current product results; identifying needs to be filled; monitoring competitive products; analyzing and relaying customer reactions
• Prepare and edit correspondence, presentations, and other documents as needed for internal use, as well as for distribution to clients
• Ensure the timely and successful delivery of our solutions according to customer needs and objectives
• Generate new business using existing and potential customer networks
• Enhance department and organization’s reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments
• Prepare reports on account status
• Collaborate with sales team to identify and grow opportunities within territory
• Forecast and track key account metrics and keep records of client transactions. Qualifications
• Bachelor Degree of Engineering; Computer, Networking, Communications Engineering • Experience; Fresh-graduates
• Work is outdoor & Indoor
• Males should have car, but not necessary for females
• This training will target employment after 6 months of training and based on the competencies

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ويحتفظ موقع وكالة عمون الاخبارية بحق حذف أي تعليق في أي وقت ،ولأي سبب كان،ولن ينشر أي تعليق يتضمن اساءة أوخروجا عن الموضوع المطروح ،او ان يتضمن اسماء اية شخصيات او يتناول اثارة للنعرات الطائفية والمذهبية او العنصرية آملين التقيد بمستوى راقي بالتعليقات حيث انها تعبر عن مدى تقدم وثقافة زوار موقع وكالة عمون الاخبارية علما ان التعليقات تعبر عن أصحابها فقط .
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